Published February 19, 2020

FBA Sellers Action of Last Resort (How and When to Contact Jeff Bezos)

Many of our customers have been asking whether it is possible to contact Jeff Bezos directly via email. And if so why and when? Firstly, a point of clarification: sending Jeff Bezos an email should be done only when an FBA seller has exhausted all channels of complaint.

When you file a complaint through normal channels, oftentimes the person reviewing your case hasn’t read the message in its entirety due to the huge number of complaints the support team faces every day. In many instances, the cases are left sitting on the desk for several weeks or months while the seller loses a sizable amount of money.

What can you do as an Amazon seller?

Well, one of your options is to write Jeff Bezos an email. Jeff Bezos has repeatedly said that he would like to hear from FBA sellers. You may contact him at but may only be used only as a last resort when all other remedies have failed.

Here’s how to go about it.

Make sure you have exhausted all available remedies with Seller Central 

This system was created by Amazon to facilitate the investigation, tracking, and resolution of every complaint lodged with their support office. You can imagine the number of cases they entertain every day, and there are times when the support teams incur a delay in providing remedy or solution to the issue complained about. 

State your case politely, clearly and firmly

State your claim in a matter that’s clear, polite but firm. When addressing Jeff Bezos, let him know that you have done everything that needs to be done within the scope of the Seller Central. Mention further that the team has not successfully resolved your issues and that you’re appealing to him for a fair resolution of your case.

Be knowledgeable about your business

The burden of proof is on you. That means you are expected to be an expert in your niche, business, and market, and then to explain clearly your side of the story. Don’t let Jeff Bezos guess what your problems are.

Keep your composure

When our livelihood or business is threatened, there is a tendency for us to get scared or angry. That is understandable, but remember that once you’ve pressed the send button you can no longer take back or edit your email. If you keep your composure and use calm language it is likely that people will be more willing to help you solve your problems. Never underestimate the power of persuasive communication. Leverage it to your best advantage. 

Document everything

Having a record of everything that transpired throughout the course of the complaint process will help Jeff appreciate your transparency and preparedness. This will ensure that he will take your case seriously and resolve your case as quickly as possible.

What to do if your claim remains unresolved

Even if you’ve escalated your case with Jeff Bezos, a resolution will still take some time.

This brings us to another more viable solution. If your business is burdened by uncollected FBA reimbursements, help is available for you.  

Being an Amazon FBA seller puts you in a dire situation whenever Amazon loses or damages your inventory. If you’re looking for a way to get back the thousands of dollars Amazon owes you; you are not alone.

The fact is Amazon owes 99 percent of sellers money. But the policies Amazon has in place for getting your money back in those situations are vague. They make you jump through hoops, and even doing all that is no guarantee you’ll get your money back.

You need someone with years of experience handling your reimbursement claims for you.The solution to your problem lies at your fingertips.

Seller Investigators manually submits and manages these requests on a weekly basis, making sure damaged and lost goods are identified, tracked and credited to your account. You receive bi-weekly reimbursements from Amazon without having to do a thing!

Our team can do all the legwork for you in collecting the money Amazon owes you, so you can focus on taking care of your business.

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