Published November 4, 2020

10 Business Secrets Jeff Bezos Used to Maximize Amazon’s Success

Do you have a great idea for a small business startup but don’t know where to begin? Well, Jeff Bezos also began as a small-business entrepreneur who started an obscure online bookstore called Amazon some 25 year ago.

Today, Amazon is worth more than $400 billion.

How did Jeff Bezos transform his tiny startup into one of the most successful Internet businesses in the world?

The answer lies in Jeff Bezos’ single minded determination to create value for his customers. His 10 business startup secrets are a gem, to help entrepreneurs like you succeed no matter what stage of growth you’re in. 

  1. Develop a clear vision for your business

Your vision is important because it:

  • Helps you to stay focused on the things you want to accomplish
  • Inspires others to respond
  • Helps clients understand what you and your business stand for
  • Keeps your stakeholders focused on your goals.

Once you have a clear vision for your business, set your strategies and create a plan for achieving your goals. 

  1. Hire the best people

Focus on hiring only the best people for your business. One bad choice can actually bring down the whole team and can cause even good employees to underperform.

When you hire the right people:

  • Your work gets easier
  • Busy-work disappears
  • You can focus on more strategic work
  • Things get done faster
  • Productivity shoots up.
  1. Keep your eyes on your goal

Focus is a vital ingredient to entrepreneurial success. Concentrate on the unique aspects of your business and use your time, energy and resources to bring about the realization of those goals. 

  1. Innovate

Learn to think differently and see if maybe there’s a particular need your competitors have missed. Here’s how:

  • Embrace change
  • Listen to your customers
  • Advance your own ideas
  • Add a service that is unique. 
  1. Be realistic on your expectations

Eighty percent of small firms don’t make it beyond five years. If you think your business is going to be different, well congratulations on your optimism! However, the reality may not always coincide with your best hopes. Keep your feet on the ground and be aware of the difficulties you may have to face along the way. 

  1. Know your market and the competition

Be quick to recognize both business opportunities and threats. Technological advancements, market climate, the economy and business trends all have an impact on your business. Learn how your competition responds to such changes and then deliver unique products or services that are not easy to imitate. 

  1. Keep your business lean and frugal

One of the biggest mistakes startups make is spending something they don’t have. To avoid being stuck with a ton of bills with no money to pay, spend only what is absolutely necessary for your current operations. 

  1. Nurture a culture of success

There is a strong bond linking together business success and work culture. In order to create an organizational culture conducive to success, give the process sufficient focus backed by a strong leadership—directed toward short- and long-term goals. 

  1. Conduct business and market review on a regular basis

Update yourself with what’s going on in your industry. Analyze the changes in economic condition, see how it affects your business and then revise your business strategy or business model accordingly. 

  1. Keep on Learning

The willingness to learn is vital to entrepreneurial success. Keep yourself informed in order to gain the inspiration and confidence to do the things that lead to the realization of your goals.

Now that you know how to turn your entrepreneurial ideas into a financially profitable enterprise, here’s one last piece of advice: Have fun building your business! 

Bonus Tip: Be Vigilant in Checking on Your Reimbursements

Being an Amazon FBA seller puts you in a dire situation whenever Amazon loses or damages your inventory. If you’re looking for a way to get back the thousands of dollars Amazon owes you; you are not alone.

The fact is Amazon owes 99 percent of sellers money.

The policies Amazon has in place for getting your money back in those situations are vague. They make you jump through hoops and loops; but even doing all that is no guarantee you’ll get your money back.

You need someone with years of experience handling your reimbursement claims for you.

So now there’s no need for your capital to get tied up in lost or damaged inventory. The solution to your problem lies at your fingertips.

Seller Investigators manually submits and manages these requests on a weekly basis, making sure damaged and lost goods are identified, tracked and credited to your account. You receive bi-weekly reimbursements from Amazon without having to do a thing!

Our team can do all the legwork for you in collecting the money Amazon owes you, so you can focus on taking care of your business.

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